by Paul Maurer
Not long ago, I had a gospel crusade in a gypsy ghetto on the outskirts of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It was in a Muslim community, and they had never had an open air
outreach there due to the potential danger from radical Muslims. At first, the host pastor wanted to have the crusade inside a building to stay safe, but I really felt that we should have it outside, as Muslims would be much more likely to come to an outdoor meeting. A week before the crusade the pastor took a risk and decided to have the meeting outside on the street. The team set up a small stage with sound and lighting. I was surprised to see a crowd of nearly a thousand people gather from all over the neighborhood! I preached a simple gospel message and I was surprised at the prayed for the sick, healings were breaking out everywhere. It was an amazing moment as the power of God was being manifested.
I invited the people to come up and testify what Jesus had done for them. I will
never forget one testimony. A woman came up with great excitement. She was
beaming with joy and said, “I am a Muslim woman. I heard some music playing and I
stepped outside and heard your message. It touched me deeply and I prayed the
prayer to receive Jesus. I am not sure what is happening right now but I feel like a
brand new person! What is happening to me?!” I responded, “You don’t know? This is
Salvation! When you prayed that prayer to receive Jesus he came in and forgave all of
your sins. You are now a Christian.” As I looked at her face I could see this was a
brand new revelation for her. She was in awe at this brand new life in Christ that she
was experiencing. She had gone from darkness to the light, and I knew that she would
never be the same. It was a big risk for her to share this testimony in her Muslim
As this woman was sharing her story at the crusade in Bulgaria, I had flashbacks
in my mind of my own radical conversion. I grew up in the church, but my heart was far
from God. In 1997 my parents and I heard about a revival happening in Pensacola, FL
called the Brownsville Revival. We heard that millions of people were coming to this
church from all over the world to get a touch from God. I didn’t know what to expect.
People would get in line before dawn to get into a 7pm church service. They would wait
all day in the hot Florida sun. I knew that something very significant was happening if
people would wait in line this long to get into church!
The doors opened at 6pm and within 2-3 minutes the whole sanctuary was full.
After some incredible worship, a passionate and powerful evangelist named Steve Hill
grabbed the mic and began to preach. His message was on repentance and the cross.
He was pleading with the people to get right with God, and I immediately fell under
conviction. I knew I was lost and that my sin had separated me from a loving God that
wanted a relationship with me. I had a revelation of the cross and the great price that
Jesus paid for my salvation. When Steve Hill gave the altar call you could have heard a pin drop. It was an intense and beautiful moment as people were running to the altar. I did
the same and with tears streaming down my face I came to the place of surrender. I
cried out to God for His forgiveness, and gave Him my entire life. In that moment it felt
like a thousand pounds fell off my back, and Jesus became real to me. I met Jesus that
day and I have never been the same.
As I left the crusade meeting in Bulgaria and went back to my hotel that night, I
could not stop thinking about that woman’s testimony. It reminded me that Jesus is the
hope of the nations, and His light shines best in the midst of darkness. There is power
in the simple message of the cross.